Combine xHamster and FapHouse to Earn More

Hi there! 

Thank you once again for being a part of the FapHouse family. Did you know that FapHouse has integrations with xHamster? xHamster is one of the largest adult tube sites in the world, and they offer exclusive tools for creating and monetizing content across both platforms. 

We are taking the time to write to you about how you can use xHamster as a method to drive traffic to your premium content on FapHouse. What do you need? What are the requirements? Take a quick look below.

You need to have an active FapHouse account and an xHamster creator account. If you do not have an xHamster account, register one here.

Like FapHouse, xHamster requires the identification of those who upload and distribute their content. Follow the step-by-step process, provide a government-issued ID, and await verification.

For each video produced for xHamster and FapHouse, we require a model release when more than one person costars in your content 

Opt for a monetization model like the ad-share program here and be sure to follow uploading guidelines. Start creating your great content!

How does FapHouse integrate with xHamster? 

Creators who have an xHamster and FapHouse account are given a unique set of tools to promote content. We encourage creators to use xHamster as a means to upload and distribute trailers and teasers so that users can find full videos only under their FapHouse Fanclub. This is offered via your xHamster video widget located next to all your videos: 

Remember that you must regularly update your account, both on xHamster and FapHouse, with new content so that users can find you on the main video pages.

Last but not least, set up your banner. The banner is located below every single video of yours and can direct users to your own website or your FapHouse studio. To do that, you must first create a site and upload banner images for mobile and desktop versions. Then add the link for redirecting people when they click the banner images.

Another very important thing for your growth is to connect your FapHouse link through your social media channel listings via xHamster

FapHouse and xHamster are built together to integrate. If you have any questions, please let us know! 

With Love, 

FapHouse and xHamster